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I am so excited! I have been dying to show you these pictures and it's only been two days since I took them.
My friend Ruby came over on monday to model some of my large necklaces. I've been thinking for quite some time that my necklaces from the Tangled Triangle- and Irregular Pieces series would look so great in a rougher and edgier styling and since I love to use my friends as models I started to think who would fit the profile. Ruby, of course!
She lives, and studies, in Uppsala, a town quite far from Gothenburg, so I had to wait for Ruby to come here. And finally it happened!
And Oboy, this was a match made in heaven!
My necklaces looked so good on Ruby and she managed to get my idea perfectly and - I mean just look at her!

Most of these necklaces you'll find in the
necklace section of my etsy shop and the ones that aren't there yet will pop up there soon, I promise.

I am so happy with these photos, and I hope you like them too! Doesn't she look awesome?!

I have been keeping myself busy this week even though my cold has kicked in for a second round (Oh yay!). Yesterday I had a completely different, but equally great, photoshoot with my friend Ida and I hope to be ready to show you those photos soon too.
They will be a part of the release of my new collection so I'm really excited to show you all!

So this is what I've been up to lately.
I've been making jewelry late into the night:
I've taken still life pictures of new jewelry pieces and pretty things:
I've looked in awe at my mango plant that was NOTHING two weeks ago but a fairly large seed in some soil, and now it looks like this! We're talking the long leafed plant in the middle that looks almost exactly like an avocado plant if you happen to know how those look like and thought to yourself "hey that's an avocado plant!" Then I can assure you: it is not. It's a mango that I ate a month ago then relieved the seed from inside the large core, planted it in a pot and watched as nothing happened for about two weeks and then BAM! Everything happened in no time at all! I'm amazed.
I've also been really happy lately that the seed pod I found on the ground in South Africa a couple of years ago turned out to be a Jacaranda tree (if my googling skills are right, which of course they are) and is growing nicely in my kitchen window.
I've been taken self portraits with the TimerCam app again and turned them into black and white dramatic photos:
I've been out running in the evenings and marvelled over our neighbourhood trees as they have been exploding in green leaf loveliness.
I have ventured into japanese recipes and cooked a couple of lovely noodle soups. This is going to be a thing this season in the Losten/Sandberg household, for sure! So tasty!
I've rediscovered my vintage fruit bowl scarf. It's a huge, soft, colourful scarf with fruit all over it. I love it like it was new every single year (I've had it for over ten years now) and it's definitely one of my favourite thrifting finds.
And that was all from me today.
Hope you're having a nice start of the week. I'm all confused about the week days since I've been working all weekend. But that is normal for me, no clue of what day of the week it is.
Monday! Off to theatre rehearsals!

5 reasons why you should use coupon code SPRINGTIME14 to get 15% off on everything in my shop.
1: With spring and summer comes the outdoor parties and a couple of colourful dangly earrings are the perfect accessory for those occasions.
2: Your friends and/or family are graduating high school/college/university and what have you. What would be a splendid gift to said family and/or friend? - A unique necklace that the person will feel is a both gorgeous and thoughtful present.
3: You have seen a necklace pendant that you love and absolutely can't live without.
4: Birthdays. People are having birthdays and those people would look lovely in a cool necklace, wouldn't they?
5: It is good to support handmade and small businesses that are not huge corporations that produce their items in factories with awful working conditions.

So there you have it.
Pop on over and give yourself and/or someone lovely a completely one of a kind piece of jewelry!
And don't forget to use the code SPRINGTIME14 during checkout to receive 15% off your entire order. The code is valid through may 15 on everything in my shop.


Time for a little shop update. I've been inspired by spring lately, as you can see by the colours of my latest work. It wasn't even intentional, it just happened and my guess is that my extreme longing for vibrant green leaves and bursting flowers were piling up inside me and eventually had to explode through my fingers. Or something.
So this is what happened through that creative explosion.

So this was my take on springtime in jewelry form. Did you like it?

And just because it's spring and I'm feeling all generous and excited for so many things right now I'm offering 15% off your entire purchase with coupon code SPRINGTIME14 in my shop! The code is valid until may 15.
Hop on over right now! Every single piece of jewelry is made by my hands and completely unique, so make sure nobody else snatches your favourites before you!
A great opportunity to spoil yourself in time for spring parties or give as a gift to someone who enjoys exclusive and one of a kind things. And who doesn't?!

Until next time:
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