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So that happened. Yesterday evening we passed one million views of Lights Out. And it's not slowing down. At all.
Let's celebrate with Comment Bonanza!
People on the internet are funny, crazy, stupid, wonderful and AMAZING. They say the weirdest things.
So let's take a look at some of the best comments I've found so far. I've blurred the names but if you find something here that you wrote and you want me to know and give you credit: Yaay! Say something in the commments below.
If you just want to be my friend: Yaay! Say something in the comments below!
If you hate on me: NAY! DON'T say something in the comments below. This is a cuddly space.

I love this person. Seriously. This is good information. Facts. We need more people like this.
Hey! I explained that here!
Look! This George dude has got me as his profile pic on facebook!
Someone figured it out.
Another one figured it out.

We're having so much fun with all of this and it's just so crazy and hard to grasp. 1.4 million people have seen Lights out. Some are watching it RIGHT THIS SECOND. And now. And now. And NOW.
I'm off to my other job soon. Time to return to the real world for a few hours.
See you later everybody!

This has been one exciting weekend!
On friday evening David noticed that our short film "Lights out" had been shared on Reddit and that the film had over 17 000 views on vimeo where earlier that day we had 1000. During the evening the number of views climbed quickly and when we woke up on saturday it had reached 70 000 and now, at this exact moment, it's been viewed more than 269 000 views in only two days.
We've seen the link all over the internet and it's been so exciting to try to see where everybody came from.
On twitter Derren Brown retweeted the link to all his followers and that made a huge difference. When Sourcefed shared it the views skyrocketed.
We've been reading all the comments and sharing the good and the bad ones with eachother.
Lots of people love it, some not so much.
I like how a guy in the comment section on Sourcefed felt the need to write "That lady is uglier than the monster" as if that was the only thing he took with him from seeing the film. Thank you, now I know what look to go for in the future.

One person wrote that it was a lot of focus on bare legs and "why doesnt she wear pajama pants" and I actually have a really good explanation for that one! That is a night gown and there are not supposed to be any pants to go with the top. And I chose that particular one because I didn't want to wear a nightgown with too much cleavage exposion going on. That is the most prudish nightwear I own! I love how people thought we chose that particular garment to show off my legs in a sexy way when it was sort of the opposite. Well, it must mean I've got nice legs, right?

A lot of people seem to dislike the ending and we definitely don't have any trouble with people who think that. I for one really love the playfulness in the face of the monster and the fact that it actually is me in both roles can be interpreted that the thing we fear the most is ourselves.

The number of views on youtube has climbed a lot during these past two days too and has now passed 20 000 views.
I can honestly say it's been incredibly exciting and I can't wait to see how all of this unravels!
As David said in a tweet, if it continues in this speed every person on the planet will have seen the film in about 16 days. Let's make that happen!

Oh, and if you are one of the people coming here after seeing Lights out: Hello! Welcome! Thanks for seeing the film! Yaay!

David made the film as a submission for the Bloody Cuts Who's there Film Challenge. A couple of weeks ago we found out that David won Best Director and earlier this week the judges at Bloody Cuts blogged about the reasons why David won. That alone was so great, and now all this as well!
It's been a good week for Lights out; David and me.
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Igår blev min Las Palmas-bild utvald till Veckans läsarbild på Gps Flickr-kanal. Idag mailade de och frågade om de fick använda den i deras mailutskick eftersom den passade så fint.
Givetvis, sa jag! Glad blev jag också.
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Där är mitt smycke till höger på näst sista raden!!
Nu kan jag äntligen berätta vad jag gått och väntat på de senaste dagarna!
Etsy mailade mig häromdagen och berättade att jag skulle vara med i deras Fashion-utskick som skickas till en faslig massa människor! De skrev att jag borde förbereda mig genom att fylla butiken med liknande smycken och vara beredd på att lägga in nytt i shoppen under dagen.
Jag har slitit som ett djur med att tillverka nya berlocker, fotografera och bunkra upp med allt som behövs om jag skulle sälja.
Vansinnigt spännande och roligt! Det läskiga är ju att man inte kan veta alls hur det går. Det är bara att lita på deras ord och förbereda sig för en eventuell säljboom.
Jag är så glad att deras modeteam har valt ut ett av mina smycken som något värt att visa alla. Shit alltså.

Ni anar inte hur min hjärna surrat de här dagarna. Jag har en benägenhet att vända allt till nåt negativt helt i onödan. Typ De kanske skickade mailet till fel person. Fast det STÅR ju faktiskt lottalosten överst på mailet. Och de HAR ju bifogat en bild på mitt smycke. Men de kanske kommer ångra sig imorgon och tänka "det här var ju inte alls vad vi ville visa, vad tänkte vi egentligen på?" Men VARFÖR skulle de tänka så det ÄR ju ett smycke jag själv är oerhört stolt över! Men det kanske dyker upp nåt som är ÄNNU finare och så väljer de bort mitt smycke? ÄÄÄHHH! Så håller den på, dumma hjärna! David bara skrattar åt mig. Det gör jag också.
För titta: Där är ju min berlock! För hela världen att se!
Och jag är stoltare än den stoltaste tupp.

Här kan ni se hela utskicket. Scrolla ned till slutet av sidan.
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