I've been absent again. Time goes by and then I think Gosh, I miss blogging. So this is a hello of sorts. I miss writing longer texts, rambling straight from my brain, to no one in particular. Life has changed a lot and the blog has gone through so many phases since living in Sweden, making jewelry and blogging every single day. Every time I come back here I am hit by this feeling of time travel. This website is not very practical, every month I get emails from people, bots and google telling me how out of time lottalosten.com is. And I KNOW. I even tried to create a new site through that tool that makes every single website nowadays (I won't mention the name of it because it sure as hell doesn't need it) but it just made me angry how ugly it all became and this place might not be up to standard but it is MINE and I love it. So we'll see. I might figure something out, but until then- here I am. And here are a few 35mm photos that I took this summer in the little village that is our home in Sweden.
These were taken with my mom's old camera Konica C35EF. I found it in a box when we unpacked our entire lives that we'd stored away for 8 years before finding and moving into our house this past summer. The beautiful black and white filmstock is JCH StreetPan 400 and I developed the negatives and scanned them at home.
Okay. I think that's all for today. More to come. Hopefully.