Two displays of pretty knickknacks all dusted and reorganized.
One of treasures from South Africa; seed pods, porcupine hair and spikes from a bush, and also a dried lemon that I got from my grandfather when I was kid. I had so much trouble understanding how that hard, dried up thing could ever have been a lemon. The seeds inside rattle like a maracas.
And one of the old ashtray with the naked mermaid in the middle surrounded by all my favourite little odd trinkets, brooches and whatnot.
Two of my work spaces at home.
One showing my desk, where I'm sitting right this moment, with my new beautiful chalkboard wall decal bought from the etsy shop Brown Shades. I'm a little bit confused with the whole Sunday to Saturday week design and really didn't know that this was a thing before a year ago maybe. Why on EARTH would you want your week to start on a sunday? It just feels so WRONG. Even though I'm working weekends and week nights and usually have no idea whatsoever what day of the week it is this still makes me all mad. Knowing what day of the week it is was the whole plan with buying one of these things in the first place! I hope I get used to it, because I really love it otherwise. Click for better photo of the decal.
And one photo of my other, more relaxed work space: the sofa! Where I sat the other day working on a huge Tangled Triangle necklace while drinking tea and eating fruit salad.
Two of me photographed by David.
One from our day at Antikhallarna.
and one from yesterday when the sun was shining all over the place and I decided it was spring (at least for the day) so I ignored the strong winds and dressed in my vintage velvet jacket for the first time this year. Today it's back to the gloomy miserable raining again though.
Well, that was all from me today. I have plans of tea, sofa and jewelry making the rest of this evening.
Hope your week started in the best way (if you count your week starting on Monday because if you're one of those weird ass people counting it from Sunday I really don't understand you).
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