Hey everybody!
As you probably know I really love to buy old photos and postcards and I found some lovely ones in USA when we were there.
Here's three photographs I found in two different vintage/antique shops.
I'm so curious about these people. I wonder who they were and what kind of things they loved, hated, dreamt of.

This couple is very intersting to me. At first I thought it was two boys but I'm not so sure anymore. They look sort of scared and like they don't know what's happening. They probably weren't too used to having their photo taken but it seems to be something more, don't you think?
I don't think they are related because their faces look so different. Maybe they are friends, but the way they link their arms is so unpersonal and stiff it feels like they've been told to stand like that.
I can't stop looking at them. I wish there was a way to know more but on the other hand that's what makes it such a lovely mystery.
They will be living with me now and I'll make up a story for them, little by little until I have their whole life stories clear in my mind.

Look at this beautiful woman! She's so graceful and pretty. She looks a bit asian, don't you think? I love how she's posing with one hand behind her back, looking so serious. Her face is almost doll like.
I think it's interesting that she's wearing glasses as well. I just realised I don't think I've seen many photos of women with glasses from this time period. By the look of the house I'm guessing she was fairly rich and that might explain the glasses.
She makes me want to write a book based only of this photo.

And the last photo. Such a serious couple. On the back of this photo it says GRANGER AND YOUNG Photographers, 84 Owego street, Ithaca, N.Y.
The dress the woman's wearing looks so heavy! And the man looks really angry and like he's about to say something. His lips are slightly parted and he seems to be looking away, unlike the woman who's looking straight into the camera. See how she's pressing her teeth together. So focused and stiff!
The more I look at them I feel like the woman was a really sweet person but I'm not so sure about the man. Maybe he's just confused about something, haha.

The golden light is filling my apartment right now. Soon the light will be so bright I won't be able to see the computer screen unless I turn the blinds.
I have been cleaning and decluttering these last two days. It must be the spring, making me want to clean so badly. It's still a lot to do because it was so long overdue.
It feels really nice to be able to see the rooms again and not just the clutter.
I long for tulips on the kitchen table, open balcony doors (we have two) and the smells and sounds of spring time.
It won't be long now.
I love that last pair! They're so funny.
I know! I really wish there was a way to find out what they were like. Time machine, please!