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Soooo, I went back into the abandoned hospital today.
The reason why I've had the opportunity to visit this place is because we filmed some scenes for the Lights Out movie there these past two days. While the film team was in another building I could lurk around however much I wanted.
So after my scenes were done and I could get back into my normal clothes I sneaked away for an hour or so again. This time to the basement, the kitchen and... the morgue... (more on that soon).
When you find a room with a locker that spells Disaster wrong, all you can do is scream.
"They did WHAT here?"
What is this shiny thing? And who is that person?
"I think you're right Marge, this cafeteria seems to be closed today."
Then I found the kitchen. What's cooking in that big ol' cauldron to the right?
Who is making noise?! Stop it immediately!
And then, it took a turn for the weird(er)...
I found the morgue.
And thought to myself: I wonder what is inside those metal cabinets in the walls. Imagine if it was a dead person.
I opened one of them...
(It's a doll. Yes. I'm sure. There's yellow foam where his ribs should be. And that nose is just a little bit too perfect. Plus, I looked -very- closely)
The weird thing is that I kind of expected it to be there. I had already told my scared brain that there might be a dead person in there so when I first saw the scalp I was like "Oh, yep, there's the dead guy."
What mean person decided to leave that there after filming?!?!
Apparently CSI have been shooting here. So maybe they are responsible for scaring the crap out of me.

But it was quite awesome to go back to set and show my "find" to everybody in the crew...
After seeing the "dead guy" I was actually a bit shaken and all the dark rooms looked super scary instead of exciting so that was the end of today's self portrait bonanza. But what a great ending, ey?
And here's a photo in which you can see me three times. One of me is in the back, acting away. The other two on the screens.
It felt great to be filming again. I really love it, and hope I get to do it more and more in the future!

But look at this cool GIF I made!

Talk to you soon!
Today I had the amazing opportunity to roam around all by myself in an abandoned hospital. For two hours I wandered the hallways searching for good photo spots.
It was the BEST!
Wanna see?
In the hospital chapel the light was just wonderful.
The floor was not very clean though, but who cares!? Not me!
This photo turned out so much greater than I thought it would. I had so much trouble securing the gorilla pod and the phone slipped sideways all the time. I decided to take a photo anyway and hope for the best. I'm so glad I did because this might be one of my favorites from today. It gets my imagination going.
Science Fiction Lotta!
When I found this room it felt like I had struck Self Portrait Environment Gold. It made me all giggly and I might have done a victory gesture all by myself.
Okay. I'll stop.
Hello hello.
Hmmmm, let's see what we have here...
And let's end this with a photo that shows my emotions for this place more accurately. YIPPEEE!

It was one of those adventures I think I'll remember for a long time. And I'm going back again tomorrow!

Hope you liked this spooky hospital tour, and talk to you soon! '

It's been one of those days when everything is strange in a dream like way. Not a very good dream though. Just strange.
Just a self portrait in a staircase in my speech coach's garage.
It started at 7.15 when we woke up by a beeping sound. Not the alarm clock. No, it was a fire alarm running out of battery. There's one right over the bed so we took that apart. But it kept beeping. Oh, there's another fire alarm in the hallway. That's the one!
Okay, problem solved. And we started off the day feeling a little bit like Phoebe in Friends when she's failing to get the fire alarm to stop beeping.
One of my plans for the day was to finally blog the photos from the walk over the hills. The other day I told you about my problems with making the photos smaller and YOU KNOW WHAT!? I still have that stupid problem.
But after asking for help on Facebook, and getting so many great and helpful tips the problem remained. Someone mentioned it might be my new fancy retina screen that makes the photos look blurry. Okay, so everybody with retina screens will see my photos blurry but everyone with regular screens will see them perfectly unblurry? That is just weird.
I feel tired and angry with it all right now. Bluörgh.
So, I decided to go for a walk to clear my head a little bit. On my way down the stairs I managed to throw my right knee into a sharp edge of a chair. (Last week I hit my left knee on a sharp corner in the staircase. My knees obviously hate me.) It hurt SO MUCH I had to lie down for a while.
Later, when I was doing the dishes after my lunch, our landlady came by with a security dude. "Did something happen with your fire alarms this morning?"
Huh? Yes?
Apparently, when we touched the first fire alarm the security system went off. When they couldn't get a hold of our landlady they called Every Single Person on her emergency contact list telling them something was wrong.
That Phoebe moment really went a little bit overboard.

So now my plan is to go for a walk again. We'll see if that happens.

(Oh, and the very over hyped blog post about the walk over the hills? I don't really feel like posting it today. I'm mad at those photos. We are not friends right now. Maybe some other day. )

Talk to you soon!

Hello, hello, hello!
I didn't mean to be away from this blog for this long, I promise!
But we moved, and I got a new computer, and it took forever for me to get all the photos and programs that I needed, and yeeeeeaaaah, time- TIME HAPPENED!
So I thought before we (hopefully) get back to normal, I might update you on what's been going on since I last talked to you. Okay?
The last week we lived in Burbank we took a lot of evening walks, as if to really see the neighborhood so we could remember it better.
And what better way to remember than by taking creepy photos at the back of CVS pharmacy...?
I ordered this awesome t-shirt from Stay Home Club. I have been drooling after it for a couple of years, and now (when I've sort of become an expert on being bored) I thought it would be perfect for me to finally have it!
I knew I wanted to take some cool photos of me in it, so when it came I went out in search of the best spot. I took a million pics that day and probably found every single back alley in the neighborhood. Here's two of my favorites:
I like how badass I look infront of this huge Agave plant. BORING is BEST!
I found that if I stood in the doorway to our tiny house there was great light for selfies!
One day I took some photos that made me look very Film Noir. It really made me want to be in a movie like that.
I walked the back alleys of Burbank a lot and sometimes I photographed my outfits.
And then we moved!
To a super cute little apartment in a house in Hollywood Hills. After two weeks here I still have new things to discover in the neighborhood. It's so beautiful!
Evening light from our deck. (I want that old and abandoned building that looks a little bit like a factory...)
One day I found a hidden staircase that took me to this lovely view.
That's one of the fun things with living here, it's like one of those super detailed paintings where you keep finding new things that you've missed before. If you look quickly you might miss them. Or like in Sonic the hedgehog where there's secret pathways in the hills that you only discover by walking right into it. I really look forward to finding all the hidden spots!
I have been trying to find the good selfie spots. So far this Front gate/Agave area seems to be in the lead.
As I mentioned in this post I love to revel in the feeling of not knowing how things are going to be before they happen. Like when we were to move here and I imagined how my everyday routines would look like when we've lived here for a while. I thought I would hang out in the kitchen a lot because the light is really nice there. But the first two weeks here have been really really hot and the kitchen has been way too warm.
Plus, the wifi doesn't work in there.
But out on the stairs it works fine, and when the shadow covers the area it's the perfect place to sit and drink coffee, look at hummingbirds and work on my computer.
We have a deck, as you can see above me in the photo, and we sit there and eat a lot but during the day it's usually too hot up there.
Maybe when it cools off a little my routines will change, but I really love sitting in the stairs. It feels relaxed and gives me a lot of great creative ideas.
When it was 38 Celsius degrees outside and the only good thing about the heat was that my newly washed bras dried in record time.
I burned my right ass cheek on the hot stairs while taking this photo.
The things you do for art, right?
Some beautiful roots close to where we live. Love me some good and weird roots!
I have been starting to take lessons with a speech coach to reduce my Swedish accent (this photo was taken right after my first lesson). It's been so great!
I hope to feel more relaxed in my English because I've realized it's super hard to act in another language than your own. It feels a little bit like I'm starting all over again. The words aren't feeling like they're mine yet, so I'm working on that.
I'm also starting improv classes today and OMG I'm so excited! It's going to be so wonderful to act like that again. I have been missing it so much.
I made a really great lunch with catfish, fresh ginger, garlic and cilantro among other things. I love creating recipes like this. Especially when they turn out awesome!
The phone reception is beyond crappy where we live now. My phone says No Service most of the time, so when I want to call home to Sweden I have to walk for about fifteen minutes to find some steady reception.
Last week I sat for almost two hours outside a café with a view over the Scientology Celebrity Center and talked to a great friend in Sweden while sipping on an iced chai.
That house is a fancy castle for crazy people.
On friday I met up with three Swedes visiting LA. I took them for a long walk over the steep hills to Griffith Park and the observatory there. It was such a great day and it felt so good to spend a day with Swedish friends!
I "forced" them to be a part of my self timer photos and we pretended to be in a band. I think we look very cool.

Yes, that was all for this time. I have a couple of posts coming up this week and hopefully I will get into a good blogging rhythm again. I've missed it.

Hope you enjoyed this little peek, and talk to you soon!

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