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Perky has found a weapon and is prepared to use it...

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The doorbell is ringing again. Who could it be this time?

Perky has been up to something...
And a little heads up: next week I'll be attending the Christmas fair in the shopping mall Nordstan here in Gothenburg. I'll be there every day of the week so the advent calender will be posted a little later in the day. Probably around 9 pm (Central European Time).
And if you happen to be in the Gothenburg area, come by Nordstan and have a chat! I will be there with all of my jewelry so it's a perfect opportunity to buy christmas gifts to your loved ones.
Hope to see some of you there!

Today is Lucia day here in Sweden and we eat Lussekatter and Pepparkakor and kids in schools all over Sweden participate in the Luciatåg, there is also a lot of grownup Luciatåg and being chosen to be Lucia is a very big deal.
Well, Perky and Grumpy may not be doing a Luciatåg but they sure are making pepparkakor! Whatever Grumpy may think about it...

Happy Lucia day!

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